Kitchen Pantry Space Clearing Kit
Kitchen Pantry Space Clearing Kit
one clear quartz polished point, approx 2”
a set of 3 Palo Santo botanical stick, approx 4”
one 2oz Holistic Spaces Happy mist
Clear quartz: We suggest clear quartz in your refrigerator or pantry as they store food that nourishes you. Clear quartz can be used to amplify this nourishing energy.
Clear the clear quartz and empower it with your intention that the food in the refrigerator or pantry is nourishing and creates vitality for you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Place the crystal in the center area which is related to overall health according the feng shui bagua mandala.
Happy mist and Palo Santo: It is recommended to regularly space clear your Kitchen & Pantry space.
The palo santo can be ignited then gently blown down to an ember to allow for spreading smoke around the space. Guide the smoke clockwise around the room including corners and inside cabinets and pantry. Allow the botanicals to produce enough smoke to fill the air.
All items have natural variations and will vary in size and shape.
Note: we do not answer any personal questions about how to use your feng shui items.